Silence Taboo and Midlife Women
Silence Taboo and Midlife Women is the title of the dissertation I submitted in 2020 in part fulfilment of a Masters in Sociology at Maynooth University in Ireland.
The year involved in depth interviewing of 20 women living in Ireland, on their experiences and understandings of menopause.
Menopause has been shrouded in silence, shame, fear, denial and stigma for decades. Having spent three years reviewing the available literature, along with carrying out my own research last year. I believe that the culture of SILENCE is the real enemy.
We cannot solve a problem we cannot see.
Negative cultural stereotypes and perceptions surrounding this phase in women’s lives are everywhere. The use of language and words describing and defining menopausal women is POWERFUL and continues to DISEMPOWER. Deficiency, degenerative disease, crisis, loss, over the hill, populate the literature.
On first reading about menopause a few years back. I too was filled with fear, asking myself could this be what’s ahead of me. I now fully understand why so many women are in denial or ashamed and do not want to admit to being menopausal.
In continuing along this path of silence, keeping menopause hidden in society, still not accepted as a topic for polite conversation. We will continue to live with the consequences and repercussions!!!And there are many as outlined above at the top of the page.
Opening and normalizing the conversation has to be the end goal. We did it with pregnancy and childbirth. We can do it with menopause.
Because the TRUTH is once women are provided with supports and understanding about what menopause is really all about it changes everything.
Breeda@midlifewomenrockproject on Instagram and F/B