Menopause as a journey.

Menopause as a journey.

The more I reflect on my perimenopause and menopause journey over the last few years, the more I consider it as a journey.

As we enter perimenopause, I feel that we go on a journey and like all great journeys, we don’t know what’s ahead. We have to be respectful of our journey, because transformation occurs throughout this time. Turbulence and road blocks will appear which may need support, our old identity is leaving us, which can leave us vulnerable. However, keep in mind that this is a natural part of women’s lifespan, leading to great personal change as we emerge post menopause.

Even at times when we are confused, and don’t know what is happening to us we need to trust this journey (we are not going mad!). There is huge learning and discovery along the way, the key is to slow down and listen to ourselves. Women have immense power within to know what is best for them on this journey. Self -care, kindness, reflection, space and some time alone will all help us along this journey. Reach out and ask for help if you need it.

Sharing our stories can be very powerful.

Midlife Women Rock Cafes now continue each month on zoom. Women share stories and support one another. We laugh, we cry, but most of all we support one another.

Contact breeda@midlifewomenrockproject on F/B or Instagram(midlifewomenrockproject). All welcome xxx.

Breeda Bermingham/MidlifeWomenRockProject Founder
Breeda Bermingham/MidlifeWomenRockProject Founder

Written by Breeda Bermingham/MidlifeWomenRockProject Founder

Social Entrepreneur, Founder of the Midlife Women Rock project and Cafes. Researcher of all things positive about menopause

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